I don't know why I am writing about this but what the hey.
I had my lip pierced oh back in October I think it was and everything was fine, I did what they told me to do with it, to use rock salt on the inside of my lip and use tea tree oil on the front. The lip piercing was on the bottom lip in the middle and of course for the first 4-6 weeks I had a bar with a ball on the end. The whole time I had the piercing I thought to myself that she did it to low and I wouldn't be able to put a ring in it like I thought, because after the 4-6 weeks I took the ball out after buying a 10" segment ring(that they told me would fit!!!)and tried to put it in, but as i suspected it didn't fit.
So..........I then went back to the shop and had to buy a 12" titanium silver lip ring that fitted after forcing it through!!!
Going off subject for a moment, I also have a eyebrow stud with 2 black spikes on both ends which in my moment of thought after having the lip done and putting in a silver ring maybe I should change it to a black ring(sorry back to the story).
Well it was fine with the silver ring in it and then I started to look everywhere for a titanium black 12" lip ring(which is a lot harder than you might think), it took a while but I finally found one, bought it and put it in like you would. I asked the guy who sold it to me how did they make it black without the chance of your lip getting infected? He said that the ring is coated with the same stuff they put on pacemakers, so naturally I assumed that it would be fine. It was for a while, until the one Sunday not long ago I got up and was feeling a bit sore so I thought I just slept on it or something and it will be fine. All through the day it just got worse and it started to feel like it was swelling, but as the type of person I am I thought I would leave it till the morning when I wake up to see if it is better.
Well I got up the next morning, it had swallen up that much I couldn't get the lip ring out by myself. I had to get someone else to do it for me! Within one day of the lip ring coming out the swelling went down and the back hole closed up and I obviously haven't worn it since.
I was thinking of trying again but on the side of my lip this time and sticking with the normal silver ring, what do you think?
Well I think the moral of the random story is: If someone says to you when you buy a black lip ring that it's coated by the same thing as pacemakers, don't buy it in my opinion!!
Check out this persons story.
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