The six nations rugby has started again in earnest, and with that came a horrendous shift in the kitchen. Being a bar monkey, usually that means dealing with pissed up men from various parts of the world shouting at the top of their lungs about how much better their team is, but this shift was different. Instead of the black shirt and black jeans I donned chef whites and sweated my bollocks off with the the boys from upstairs making a hundred plus (it's a smallish place, believe me, that's good, and there are only four people cooking) meals and side dishes. This has resulted in me having more sympathy with the kitchen staff; the bar staff tend to ignore them a lot and thus mistakes happen and food stays in the lift longer than it should, and we get more impatient with them than we should, because now I know precisely how long each meal takes to make or prepare.
This gave me enough time to think about the important things in life, such as the issue of national pride. Where does it come from? Why is it such a huge deal to people? I have found that having been in both Wales and the US that these two peoples, despite being such huge polar opposites do share one common trait: They are insanely proud of where they come from.
Now don't get me wrong, I do suffer from the national pride disease myself. When I was in Vegas, I loved people telling me that they loved my British accent, and that I was so polite and well spoken. I'd ham it up a bit, obviously; "Well, it's just the way they bring us up; Stiff upper lip, tea in the afternoon and old fashioned chivalry!" and after I was done, some people thought I rode a horse on sumptuous grounds killing time until I had tea with the Queen again. But I don't get mortally offended if someone mistakes me as Welsh (and the Welsh will hamstring you if you ever accidentally call them English), and though it amuses me, being mistaken for Scottish or Irish doesn't make me mad. They're all in the same area, largely speak the same language and have their own histories and cultural diversity. But the Welsh, especially the Welsh have a huge chip on their shoulder regarding the English. This bad blood is a few hundred years old now, and the Welsh are not alone in their ancestral dislike; The Scottish and the Irish have their own reasons for hating the English. Take it for granted when I say it would require more space and time to explain it than I have here.
Now, even if I think it's pointless, I accept and understand why our three brothers in the British Isles don't like the English; We have a bit of a bad history. But that isn't who we are now. The most you could accuse us of nowadays is arrogance and a low level xenophobia, which is a trait all four nations of the British Isles share. It's a little like hating Germany for World War II. It was over sixty years ago, and a lot of the people who fought or were responsible for it are dead now. What's the point? No, if you're going to hate anyone, hate the current crop of Neo Nazi's springing up all over Europe, or hate the French because of their unshakeable superiority complex and very well hidden racism. Don't hate the English because we were bad a few hundred years ago and think we're snooty.
I know that those comments in Wales would certainly get me beaten up, but I'm not bothered. I'm half English, and Half Filipino. That actually entitles me to hate the whole world, because there are only twelve nations on Earth that haven't occupied the Philippines at some point. Even the Welsh aren't innocent of it. They had a colony on Luzon that kept local SLAVES. It doesn't get mentioned in Welsh, English or International History books or History articles because the Philippines isn't important enough, and the Welsh are strangely silent on that period of their history. Pot, kettle, black?
And, if you're going to talk about the question of national pride, leave the politics at the door of the stadium, Millennium or otherwise; Rugby's only a game. Just over twenty people get onto a pitch and chase a bag of air for eighty minutes and thump each other about. No one dies, no new laws get passed and apart from ground on the pitch, there is no territorial ambition. CHILL THE FUCK OUT! "That's for the last hundred years you English pricks!" Shall I call your Filipino slave boy to mop your brow for you Rhodri? No? Then sit down and enjoy the game. This is where getting a bit too het up about where you crawled out of your mother gets you:
Don't stay there too long. Your brain will rot.