He's said detectives don't apply the same professionalism to rape as they do to other serious crimes. He blamed police for too often greeting complainants with a skeptical manner, and said officers "must absolutely accept the victim's version of events unless there are very substantial reasons to do otherwise".

Do the police seriously have to be told this? SERIOUSLY?
You may cry miscarriage of Justice at me all you like, and innocent until proven guilty, but this is a totally different sort of crime, and most of the people you hear using that kind of language will be men. I'm not a man hater, I am a fucking man. But this gets severely under my skin. "But when you start using guilty until proven innocent in one case, what's to stop you doing it to others?"
I'll tell you what. Common fucking sense.
Rape is a crime that is almost exclusively feared by almost only one half of the population. Rape is a crime that happens to almost only one half of the population. Rape is a crime that is perpetrated by almost exclusively one half of the population. And, sorry to break the news fellas, but rape is a crime that ALL men are able to commit. Apart from one or two very bizarre and admittedly disturbing cases, men are the perpetrators, and they come from all walks of life, from all ages, and all nationalities, all creeds, etc etc etc. I am capable of rape. My buddies in the band are capable of rape. Women are 99.99% incapable of that.
That may not make sense as to why we should treat rape differently to other serious crimes, but I'll attempt to explain. When a system of life like the patriarchy is so strongly in place, innocent until proven guilty just doesn't work. No one will ever try to insinuate that a child deserved to die in a horrific murder case because he wasn't careful, or left his mums side, and as such was asking for it. No one will ever insinuate that because a guy bought a big house that he was asking to be robbed. However, a women wearing a short skirt can apparently be invitation to rape. A woman kissing a guy on the first date can be an invitation to rape. Eye contact can be an invitation to rape. How fucked is that?
What other crime is there that asks the plaintiff, or complainant, or the fucking victim to stand up and be cross examined about her past sexual habits, whether or not she owns sex toys, whether the children she has are all from the same father... so that means that a woman seeking justice for a horrible fucking crime committed upon her has to endure pointless and irrelevant questions about her sexual history and have the most intimate details of her personal life scrutinized and have lawyers attempt to smear her character. What is the point? Part of the anti rape literature points out that the accused never has to take the stand about any of that.
Isn't that also missing the point?
The fact is, you could be the village bike and have fucked every man from Cardiff to Beijing, sucked strangers off in the street, worn indecently short skirts or no skirt at all, and could have a veritable United Colors of Benetton advert as your litter of children. People's past character matters not one bit, nor does their sexual history.... (mild mannered family men and clerks and accountants none of whom would have ever hurt a fly suddenly raped pillaged and murdered in the Vietnam War, past character be damned. Would they have gotten off in court if they had just proven good character enough?)... None of that changes the fact that if she is raped, someone still forcibly took carnal knowledge of her without her consent. If she said No, then it's WRONG.
Anyone reading this will be thinking one of two things. "Right on!" or "You can't make one law for men and another for women."
The person thinking the last thing will be a man. Let me get your attention buddy. When was the last time you walked down a street somewhere and feared being raped?
Was that answer never?
The worst you will ever fear is a good kicking. And you have no idea how lucky that makes you.
And if you'd like to open your eyes.... see this here http://www.thefword.org.uk/blog/
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